Friday 24 April 2020

STORYTELLING FOR THE YOUNGEST! (II) - Contes per als més petits! (II)

Hello kids!

We continue with our stories about animals. Today, Julia is telling us this story called: "The snail and the whale". We hope you enjoy it!
 Continuem amb els notres contes sobre animals. Avui, la Julia ens explica aquest conte anomenat: "El cargol i la balena". Esperem que la gaudiu!



Tuesday 21 April 2020

STORYTELLING FOR THE YOUNGEST! - Contes per als més petits!

For the youngest students we also have something special for them. Watch this video where Yvonne is telling us the story of Mr. Crocodile and his friends.
Pels alumnes més petits també tenim alguna cosa especial. Mireu aquest vídeo on la Yvonne ens explica el conte de Mr. Crocodile i els seus amics:

If you like it, you can also download these 3 sheets and do it at home. THIS IS A VOLUNTARY TASK.
Si voleu, podeu descarregar aquestes 3 fitxes i fer-les a casa. AQUESTA TASCA ÉS VOLUNTÀRIA.

Stay tuned, more stories are coming!
Continueu connectats, vindran més històries!

Sunday 19 April 2020


Stay Homas are Guillem, Klaus and Rai, three roommates that make a new song every day, some in Catalan, other in English, from their  rooftop terrace in Barcelona to spice up the lockdown. As they say, the 'Confination'. 
They have a great website!

STAY HOMAS, Judit Neddermann - Gotta Be Patient (Confination Song VI)